Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Deplorables say "Basta."

When we went to bed the media were still counting in Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Michigan. That seemed odd, since we expected that Hillary would win at least three of those four states. When we got up at 5:45 the local newspaper had the headline "Too Close to Call." Then we turned on the radio and learned that Donald Trump was the President-Elect. We think this result has been percolating for a long time. It started with Ross Perot, then Pat Buchanan, then Ralph Nader, and now Donald Trump. We know we face a lot of uncertainty with the new President, but we also know that it is the end of NAFTA, TPP, and the pols blowing smoke up the asses of the working class. Hang on and learn something from the next four years.

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