Monday, October 31, 2016

The Clintons: A Fact and a Thought Experiment

On January 26, 1998, President Clinton went on national television to speak to the American people and to try and save his Presidency. Among the things that he said was the memorable, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." That is the fact.

For the thought experiment you must think about the meeting that undoubtedly took place prior to the decision to go on national television and lie to the American people. The meeting would have included two or three of the President's most trusted advisers, and would have included Hillary Clinton. The arguments for the lie would include a discussion of the meaning of  "sexual relations" and whether what took place with Miss Lewinsky would qualify. The advisors obviously concluded that they could do a semantic dance around the President's relationship with Monica, and he would not really be telling a lie.  And someone must surely have said; "What happens if Monica pushes back and tries to embellish upon her sexual relationship with the President" (remember the blue dress). One of the advisers probably said: "We have that covered. We have met with Miss Lewinsky and told her that we have spoken with all her closest male and female friends and have dug up lots of dirt, and that if she speaks up, we will destroy her. In other words, she has been told what would happen to her if she says anything that contradicts what the President will say."

What I'm sure of is that such a meeting took place before President Clinton went on television to tell his lie. I am also sure that Hillary Clinton was among those close advisors. I am also sure that they discussed the possibility of "push back," by whom and how it would be handled. What was actually said is part of the thought experiment.  This was a high stakes game and I can only imagine the options that were considered.        

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