Saturday, October 8, 2016


The audio-tape revealing Trump's comments about women and his predatory behavior are quite consistent with who I believe that he is.

First and foremost, he is what I have called a "hothouse kid," meaning that he was raised in an environment of controlled care and feeding. His growing up years were spent in Jamaica Estates (the closest thing to a gated community at the time). I was born and raised in Jamaica, but never went to Jamaica Estates because it was viewed as another world. He also went to a private school and a military academy during his pre-college years. In short, he never had the benefit of being a "city kid," which included contentious and combative male-male and male-female relationships.

His behavior as an adult has been noteworthy for trying to be the "tough guy" he was never able to be as a kid. I would guess that he was mostly fearful of other kids who were not in his social circle. So what you hear on those tapes is Trump trying to be one of the city boys, being tough and expressing his insecurity about women.

Should this disqualify him as a presidential candidate? That is for you to decide. 

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