Sunday, November 20, 2016

Diversity in New Administration

The current flap in the media over the absence of diversity in choices of those who will work in the Trump administration reminded us of a letter to the editor written during the previous administration. This is not meant to be a partisan comment, but a statement about the normal operation of how things work in any administration.

Obama and Diversity

We are troubled by the recent attacks on the Obama administration for the lack of diversity in the President's cabinet and other high level appointments. We believe that the criticism is unfair, as a cursory examination of Obama's high-level appointments reveals the following.

Overall: 7 rich males and 5 rich females.

Of these 12 rich males and rich females, 2 are rich Roman Catholics, 2 are rich Jews, 3 are rich Protestants, 1 rich Portaguese American, 1 rich Japanese American, 1 rich Dominican American, 1 rich African American, 1 rich mixed northern European American.

Now we ask, is this not diversity?

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