Saturday, August 5, 2017

Media power?

It is obvious to us that the mainstream media have become an important player in the game of national politics. Their consistent attacks on President Trump indicate that they play a key role in supporting or discrediting political players. Originally we thought that the media's new role as a powerful actor was in part a reflection of their ties to the Democrat party, because of lost elections.
We now are considering the possibility that the mainstream media may have a more ambitious agenda.

This new line of speculation was encouraged by an article in The Economist discussing how the Chinese and Russian governments view media beyond the confines of their borders. A Russian media leader commented on the similarity between Russia and China as victims of "information terrorism" by the Western media. The media specialist commented further that Russia and China must help each other because "we alone stand up to the mighty army of Western mainstream journalism."

This sounds like an updated version of George Orwell's 1984, where information control is not in the hands of a central government, but in the hands of independent media organizations. Maybe the new "warmongers" and "cold warriors" in the US are not the weapons profiteers, but the media barons.

Who would have ever thought that the morning newspaper and the TV news were the new forces seeking domination.  

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