Sunday, August 27, 2017

FNBT or Fake News Before Trump

In 1999, Earl Wysong and I wrote: "The everyday routine functioning of mainstream institutions like local newspapers...and TV programs does, for the most part, serve to distract non-privileged groups from class issues, diffuse class tensions, and legitimate class inequalities." (The New Class Society, 1999).

In 2009, Carolyn Perrucci and I wrote: "How can we account for the low regard that Americans have for newspapers and TV news. We think that the big reasons for the negative opinions of newspapers is because of their failure to inform the American people about the big economic changes that were transforming the lives of most Americans (America at Risk, 2009).

The real scandal is that most of the long-standing media critics have failed to continue their critical analysis of media because they fear that they will be associated with Trump's criticisms.

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