Monday, February 26, 2018

You will spend a night in the box!

Robert just had the chance to see Cool Hand Luke on the Turner Classics channel. For those who remember the 1967 film and the memorable non-conformist character of Luke played by Paul Newman, the memorable take-away line is usually "what we have here is a failure to communicate" spoken by the warden as he heaps additional punishments on Luke each time he defies authority and tries to remain an individual. For me, the take-away from the film was that each time Luke defies authority he will "spend a night in the box," a small human-size metal closed cage that barely allows the inhabitant to sit with legs pulled up to one's chest. The message for all of us ordinary folk is that if you fail to follow the orders of the legally established warden, or police officer, or teacher, or president--you will spend a "night in the box." The people at Waco spent a "night in the box." The people at Ruby Ridge spent a "night in the box." And if you don't pay your taxes because you believe that they are used to support unjust wars, you will spend a "night in the box."

If you saw the film, what was your "take away."

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