Thursday, January 11, 2018

We pay--but how much?

Robert is not opposed to the Mueller investigation of Russian interference in the US election. But I would like to know how much is being spent on the salaries of the lead investigator and his staff of 10-15-20 lawyers and their underlings. When I Google Mueller's salary, all I get is articles about how much income he has lost from not working with his corporate law firm and serving corporate clients. His decision to serve his country is admirable, but why can't I find out how much he and his staff are being paid to serve their country?

If some of you know the answer to my question please tell me. Or if you know how I should look for the answer, please tell me. Is it too much to ask for a taxpayer to know how his/her taxes are being spent? We know how much the President earns, and we know about the salaries and staff budgets of members of Congress. Why is the Mueller information so secret?

4/12/18 Update: There have been several short news items on the dollar cost of this investigation. The reports say about $5-7 million, but with little detail about the number of people on this payroll, and about who is paid what.

5/1818 Update: The Mueller-led investigation of Russian interference in the US election has reached the one-year point. I have still not seen a single report on the number of persons on the payroll and how much each is being paid.

It just occurred to me why we don't have any info on how much the Mueller team is getting paid for their investigative work. If the reporter asks them how much they are getting paid, the same question might be turned back on the reporter, and maybe the editor, and maybe the publisher. I am really a fool for having missed the obvious--they are all in the same big money game-- they are the money elites and everything that they do is designed to maintain or enhance their money flow, whether they are "lowly" reporters or part of an elite investigative team. They are all economic elites attacking other economic elites, whether they are Russian oligarchs or Donald Trump. The game that economic elites play is to attack other economic elites because it takes attention away from them as being part of the same system. That is why the prominent big money types like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet take the lead in heading a public relations effort to mobilize the rich to sign on to a plan that "gives away" their money to public projects before the "people with the pitchforks" (that is what they were called by Pat Buchanan when he was a candidate for president) come to take their money without asking.    

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