Monday, December 11, 2017

Swamp Rats

Robert noticed in todays newspaper of calls for continued investigations of Trump and associates by Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut. The Senator is a frequent guest on evening and Sunday news shows. What is never mentioned by the media is the fact that in the recent past Senator Blumenthal has lied about his service in Vietnam, and his achievements while he was there. As best I could determine, the Senator never was in Vietnam in  any capacity. His main achievement during the Vietnam War was to obtain five deferments from his draft board. Apparently this never bothered the voters in Connecticut who elected him to be their Senator.

I think that the people of Connecticut should get together with the people of Alabama and have a discussion about who is in their swamps.

Update, 12/13/17: The citizens of Alabama have started to drain their swamp. Will the citizens of Connecticut do the same?

Update, 1/29/18: On NPR this morning Senator Blumenthal of Connecticut was calling for the impeachment of Trump, which he has every right to do. But why does the media not give him credit for being a draft evader and for lying about his military service. We need to know who is speaking, whether they had KKK backgrounds or were draft evaders and liars.

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