Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Why the Dems really hate Trump?

Today I listened to one of Trump's "deplorables" on the radio. He was discussing the Trump family in very positive terms, pointing out how attractive and accomplished the women and men were in their personal and professional pursuits. While listening to him, it appeared to me that what he was saying about the Trump family could serve to replace the special standing of the Kennedy family in the thinking of most Americans.  Due mainly to the efforts of the media, the Kennedy's hold a special place in memories of many Americans. Will the Trump family and its attractive men and women finally drive a stake into the heart of Camelot and the medias love affair with the Kennedy family. Could this be one of the reasons for the continued effort to run down the Trump brand?

On Sunday, 3/18/18 CNN had a one hour show on the Kennedys. I guess that the head of CNN felt it was time to remind everyone about our Royal Family. The show will be continued next Sunday. In the glorification of the Royal family, here are some of the things that I didn't learn.

1) Where did Joe Kennedy's money really come from? The Royal Family special made it sound like he was just a smart trader on the stock market. But I remember something about Joe Kennedy's involvement with illegal alcohol during prohibition.

2)  After Jack defeated Nixon in the Presidential election (the show did mention something about questionable votes by dead people in Chicago, but the reference was brief) Jack and his brother Bobby go on to make America Great Again (where have I heard that before).

3) I look forward to next week's show and hope that it will tell me that our involvement in Vietnam was started by President Jack Kennedy, NOT President Lyndon Johnson.

4) Do you think that the CNN special will tell us that Teddy was the first Harvey Weinstein. Maybe CNN should have done a special on Mary Jo Kopecne, (sp.?) the intern, and Teddy the man with the power.

It is difficult to tell the truth about a Royal Family, but maybe CNN will try.

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