Sunday, September 11, 2016

Election Prediction

All social scientists know that it is dangerous to predict, but the forthcoming presidential election is so overheated that we cannot resist. Thus, we predict that: 

Trump will win the popular vote, but Clinton will win the electoral vote. This will allow Trump to claim that "the game is rigged" and the battle between their followers will continue, as it is another gift to the media. On a more serious side, Clinton will seek to unify the country and will become more hawkish in foreign relations, as we "discover" that Crimea and the Ukraine are vital to our national interest, leading to a new Cold War with Russia.

Post-election comment.
We were correct in predicting a split decision, but we got it wrong as to who would win the popular vote and who the electoral college vote. The turnout for Trump in all the blue-collar union states was greater than expected. He obviously had an appeal to the tens of millions of blue collar workers and their families and friends who believe that their jobs are at risk, who have worked without a wage increase for many years, and who have lost their benefits (pensions and health insurance) as their employers have sought to reduce costs. We can now watch to see what President Trump will try to do for them.

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