Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Free Hard Drugs

In the spirit of the new openness on "soft" drugs and the Colorado experiment, we would like to revive an old proposal we once made about hard drugs. Since the attempt to fight the "war on drugs" on the supply side has not worked, we propose to make hard drugs like heroin, cocaine, meth, or whatever, to be made available free to all users. There would be Federally funded and operated drug centers where any user could obtain as much of a drug as they wish with no time limit. The objective of the plan is to make it very clear to users that they can speed up their most certain deaths with little or no collateral damage. This should result in a decline in most anti-social behavior that is used to support a drug habit (e.g. theft, robbery) and the life style of an addict will not be hampered. The creation of Drug Centers in most large cities would be a job creator for the operation of clinics and would cost fewer tax dollars than are currently spent on the war on drugs. 

Update 1/29/18: It has been a long while since posting this item and during that time the "opioid crisis" has taken over the drug crisis-centered news. Estimates of "opioid addiction" in 2016 indicate that there are 11 million "addicts" (compared to 1 million heroin users). This estimate of opioid addicts far exceeds the estimated number of persons with medical conditions that cause great pain. This suggests that opioid users/addicts are choosing to use the drug when they no longer have a medical condition that requires the pain amelioration drug. So, the bottom line for this post is to welcome the opioid addicts to our government-sponsored drug clinic where they may obtain opioids in amounts sufficient to speed up their most certain deaths. Therefore, our proposal of free drugs until "death do us part" remains in place.  

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