A recent news item about police brutality sent Robert back to his files in search of a item he wrote years back. Here it is.
Growing up in a poor Italian neighborhood in New York City one soon learned the rules of engagement with the police. You stopped when told, emptied your pockets, and spoke only when spoken to. Any effort to defend yourself, to make light of the situation, or to question the actions of the police would be seen as "mouthing off," resulting in some well-placed punches, a broken nose, loss of teeth, or some other injury associated with "falling down" or "resisting arrest."
He recalled those youthful lessons after hearing on TV the Director of the FBI, William Sessions, explain why the FBI had decided to drive armored vehicles through the wall of the "compound" (home?) of the Branch Davidians. Several times he repeated that David Koresh had chosen to "defy" the authorities and that he must "submit to lawful authority." Another FBI agent stated that "these people had thumbed their nose at law enforcement."
It is also possible, in this connection, to think about the experience of Rodney King, who also committed the "crime" of "defying" authority. The power of the state and the authority of its agents of law enforcement is especially fragile when it relies on its overwhelming control of the means of violence and repression.
Who was the FBI protecting when they decided to destroy the home of the Branch Davidians? What was the threat posed by Rodney King requiring the punishment that he received?
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The FBI screwed up majorly, majorly with Waco. When you read/watch the documentation of events leading up to the moment when the first tank decided to drive right through the wall of their building, you can see that there were so many opportunities for things to roll out differently. You get the impression of the FBI as an entity unable to contain its own frustration, driven by an emotional response to Koresh and a desire to punish him. This incident was shameful and horrifying and Americans should be outraged.