Friday, June 13, 2014

Do we really want to go to Mars?

A recent report by the National Research Council ("Pathways to Exploration") offers a argument for a new ambitious and costly project to send astronauts to Mars. This reminded Robert of another celebratory occasion more than 40 years ago. It was the Grissom-Chaffee Memorial Seminar ("Technology and Man's Future") held in Purdue's Elliot Hall of Music on April 13, 1973. The main speaker was the Apollo moon mission commander Capt. Gene Cernan. Robert had the privilege of being invited by then-Purdue President Arthur Hansen to be a discussant following the speaker's presentation. Cernan showed some remarkable photos taken during the moon mission and the audience was gasping. This was a tough act to follow, but here is a part of what Robert said more than 40 years ago.

"I believe that the regulation of technology is the most important intellectual and political task on the American agenda. I believe that a beginning on this task is possible if we do several things. First, we must recognize that technology is more than simply 'organized knowledge for practical purposes.' Such a benign definition of technology emphasizes its purity--that there is no intrinsic flaw or benefit in technology--only in those using it. We must begin to understand technology as an institutional system with an ideology, elites, interest groups and supportive links with corporations, foundations, military interests, federal government and universities.

"Any attempt to alter, regulate or stop certain technological developments will have to confront that institutional system--and it will take more than the wisdom of scientists, humane values and a convincing cost-benefit model.

"The second thing that must be done is the creation and institutionalization of a technical-professional role that will put people first and technology second. It is often assumed that technical experts and professionals have no ax to grind, and therefore their output is always on behalf of the general good or humankind, rather than for their own benefit, or that of people involved in the technical practice, or for the corporate profits that always seem to accrue after major technical innovations have been developed.

"Unfortunately, the experts loyalties are not always pure. Neither is the power that must be granted if they are to apply their special knowledge."

What was said more than 40 years ago may not make much sense today. But it may be worth considering.